Ever wondered what it was like for all those medalists to ride the Velodrome in 2012.
Now’s your Chance!!!
The Club have another session on the 8th June between 2000hrs and 2200hrs.
Now the really good news the club have agreed to subsidise this event so it is half price.
Only £16 per rider. Plus equipment hire:
Equipment hire prices are:
Bike and helmet Hire £12.00 adult and £8.00 Junior(under 18)
Helmet on its own £3.00
Gloves £3.00
Shoes with Keo cleats £7.00
I have to say I was a little nervous when I went but as the coach said “There are no potholes and no cars oh and everyone is going the same way”.
If you’d like to book a place please email Colin at clubtts@competitions